It's Holiday Game Time!!
The Annual Skyline Spartans High School Varsity vs Spartans Alumni match is set for Tuesday, December 27th at the Skyline Community Fields starting at Noon and running to 3:00 PM. The 2011 Varsity roster has been set by Coach K and those participating players have been notified.
The Varsity/Alumni match will be followed on Thursday, December 29th with the Spartans High School Club/Alumni Round Robin tourney which starts at Noon and runs to 4:00 PM on the Skyline Community Fields. All registered Skyline Spartan High School laxers (Rising Freshmen - Seniors) are invited and encouraged to participate. The Club will host a BBQ for the participating players following the match featuring their killer hot sandwiches from Big House BBQ who will be set up at the fields for the tourney. Make sure you RSVP to Varsity Captain Jack Pruitt for this so we can help Big House get the goodies right.
***Remember - Completed Spring registration and full gear are required to participate in these events!!!